Friday, 25 April 2014

Illusory Universe

What is the size of the universe? Where does it begin? Where does it end? What exists after the universe’s end?

What if this universe was the brain of God? And our sun was one of the many billion nuclei in it? They say our earth was formed after the collision of two stars. What if there was a collision between two atoms in the brain of God and earth revolves around the sun like an electron around the nucleus? If this is so, we will never be able to see the face of God because we are right inside that extra-terrestrial being called God.  Universe is full of possibilities and very mysterious. It’s nearly impossible to guess how huge the universe is. And considering its size, we humans are a negligible ‘nobody’.  We are not even a small fraction of a particle of the universe. The realization of being so tiny and minute only makes us feel ‘invisible’. Or are we just a part of someone’s imagination or visualization? After all, don’t we say, ‘’It’s all in the head”?

Friday, 18 April 2014

From the cradle of sadists


Drifting into the sea of perversion
This world I know is a place for hypocrites
Purity of the souls fading away
And the conscience is getting tainted

Cruelty showing no remorse
Empathy crushed down to zero
Blood smeared deals being carried out fearlessly
On the pile of dead bodies

This is the voice from the cradle of sadists
Leave humanity behind
Or get ready to be perished

5 things to consider while purchasing your next smartphone.

Almost a decade ago when mobile phones entered the consumer market and gradually emerged to become a mundane accessory, it was not that difficult to select your model. There were very few brands and even fewer features to offer. But now, there are smartphones and they are getting smarter every day..! The question is, are you smart enough to select a phone that suits you best? In today’s world where there is a new smartphone coming up every month and there is so much it offers, what exactly should you be looking for? Here are some tips that should help you while selecting a smartphone.

1. Display
There has been a trend of increasing screen size since the introduction of smartphones. The screen size kept on increasing which led to the introduction of tablets and later on compelled phones to become phablets. But while considering the Display, it’s not just the screen size that matters; rather Resolution plays a much more important role. Some common resolutions are VGA (640x480), WVGA (800x480), HD (1280x720), Full HD (1920x1080) and so on. The number of pixels packed up together per sq. inch defines the pixel density PPI (pixels per inch). This PPI is responsible for the crispness and sharpness of the display. A big screen with lower resolution will lead to lower PPI of around 200; where as a decent screen with high resolution will produce a dense PPI of around 300-400. So you should look for a dense PPI so that the quality of display is good. Phones with lower resolutions may not be able to play HD videos or HD apps.

Friday, 11 April 2014

Why do people own a dog !!

This article is about a dog and how it changes you for good and your perception towards life.
As cliched as it might sound but, this is a fact. Research has proved that dogs can relieve you from your stress twice as quick as music does and it has the ability to sense your mood and comfort you accordingly. Now it may totally depend on how good you treat your dog.
It’s like a basic rule of nature; the dog will love you only if you are willing to care enough for it
Why am I so fussing about it because I've got a dog at my home, and it has really changed the way I see things and the way I see life.

Howard Moskowitz and Spaghetti Sauce

     What is happiness? How is it different from the other feelings we get? Why do different things make different people happy in different situations? As for me, enthralling my readers with my writings makes me happy. For you, may be, your favourite dish served hot in front of you makes you happy. Speaking of food, I’m sure you can recollect twirling those long strands of spaghetti in your fork and savouring them with the zesty sauce that comes with it. So what I am going to talk about today is a little different from what I’ve talked about before - the reinvention of spaghetti sauce. This is credited to the famous American market researcher and psychophysicist – Dr. Howard Moskowitz.

     A doctorate from Harvard University, Dr. Moskowitz had a consulting business in White Plains, New York, and one of his very first clients was Pepsi, back in the early 70s. This was a time, when the sugar substitute – aspartame was getting increasingly popular and Pepsi wanted to use it in their latest offering – Diet Pepsi. They wanted Dr. Moskowitz to figure out how much aspartame should each can of Pepsi contain in order to qualify as the perfect drink. A little too detailed, you might think, but this is what big companies do. They conduct immense research in order to make the perfect product.

Saturday, 5 April 2014

Liverpool & the Premier League 2014

(Ocean's Eleven)
Linus: Smash and grab job, huh?
Rusty: Slightly more complicated than that.
Linus: Well, yeah.
Daniel Ocean:
 Okay, Bad news first. This place houses a security system rivalling most nuclear silos. First, we have to get in the casino cage, which takes more than a smile. Next, through these doors, each one requiring a different code changed every 12 hours. Past those, is the elevator. Here's where it gets tricky. It won't move without authorized fingerprint I.D.
Rusty: Which we can't fake.
Daniel Ocean: And vocal confirmation between the Belagio & the vault.
Rusty: Which we can't get.
Daniel Ocean: Furthermore, the elevator shaft is rigged with sensors. Once we get down the shaft, it's a piece of cake. Just two more guards with Uzi's & most elaborate vault ever conceived by man.

I can quite relate this scene in Ocean's to Liverpool's season this year. They have been that tough. Make no mistake, Liverpool are the best team in the country & stand second in the Premier league at the time of writing & are in a fantastic run of form just at the right moment. Unbeaten in their last 10 games; not many know that they have lost just once at home. 2014 has been a year to recon for Liverpool as they are unbeaten so far in 2014. As the season unfolds Liverpool look more & more settled, energetic & determined than  any other club at the top flight. As others have stumbled, an excellent season has transformed into a take-able opportunity to win a first Premier league title.
Watching Liverpool thrashing the big guns in a sensational fashion, you think that they are on the right track to glory. If they were to win the league this season the following factors would play a crucial role in the process:

Friday, 4 April 2014

India's best Marketing Campaigns

A marketing or promotional campaign is an activity carried out by an organization in order to create awareness about a certain product, event or occurrence, or simply about their brand. Many companies usually hold promotional campaigns when they launch new products, and politicians do the same when election time draws near.

Promotional campaigns involve reaching out to target markets through events or various activities. Traditionally, this was through entertainment, free samples or refreshment. But, with increasing competition, customers have a wide choice of products, and brand loyalty is declining. Hence, marketers have now come up with various new trends of promotional campaigns.They have realized that mere entertainment will not attract long-term customers. They have to give them an unforgettable experience. They have to touch the emotions of people, such that people associate themselves to the brand. Watch few of the best campaigns that have happened in India.

1) Cadbury Celebrations Airways


Malefaction by four men

She was always hailed as a prodigy in her family. She was indeed a cosseted child of her parents. Her beautiful brown eyes reflected the passion to reach the pinnacle of success and make her parents proud as every person rightly wishes so. Her friends used to go to pubs, get their spirits high, trip the light fantastic but she always found herself encumbered by heavy clutches of the books, the only high she got was from the caffeine that she had while burning the mid night oil. This continued day in and day out and finally her efforts paid off as she passed her exam with flying colors and got admission into Ivy League schools. With many thoughts pouring in her mind about her illustrious future and her heart filled with happiness and satisfaction a message on her phone intruded her train of thought. It was a message from a very good friend of hers asking her out for a celebration. She had proven her metal and now it was time to let her hair down. But the caprice destiny had something else planned for her.